Monday, March 14, 2011

Ride's in Cambodia

There are a number of ways to get around here if you are not brave enough to walk the streets.

The cyclo is pedicab or rickshaw type thing and you can get around in one for $1 or so Next comes the Tuk Tuk . A small trailer mounted to a motor cycle and some are like fifth wheels and others are fixed trailer. Then there is the moto. Which is a motorcycle that is for hire. You tell the operator where you want to go and a price and you are off. Taxi which I see little of around here. These are all motor driven and of course there is bike's and what ever they can put together that will roll. When walking across the street you never hardly stop and never run away from the traffic. Some how they gage how fast you are going at all times and just go around you. They also come from every direction. Side walks are not off limits and if they can cut a corner they will find a way. They have driving school's here which would be interesting to attend. Well I must go to dinner and cross the street to the place on the other side. YIKS

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