Day of the Dead in Mexico
This the time of year for friends and family to honor the soul's of the departed. Here is a little information about this event.
November the first is All Saints Day and November second is All Soul's Day. The 1st of November is when the soul's return as little angels. These are the little children and unmarried folks and they start the return on the eve of the 31st of October. At midnight on November 1st the little angles stop coming and it's time for the elders to come. The families have alters prepared with items the past loved one enjoyed.These could be at the homes of the families or at the cemetery. They also bring food and drink to share plus there is music played. The process for the family and friends is called the "wait" when they are joined together at the home or cemetery. The food is believed to contain the essence of the soul departed. There is more to the story but this will give you an idea of what this is all about. They also make carpets out of saw dust with pictures of various things and are very well done. These folks are real artisans in a number of ways.
It has a feeling of celebration but still has a solum air about it. There are many flower stalls and food stalls on the way to the cemetery and boy's are there to carry water for the plants purchased. Not sure what the cost's are for the water boy's or what they had to pay the fellows playing the music I would say not much compared to what it would cost in other country's
Monday, November 7, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Life goes on as it has for decades in this country. The new along with the old way of doing things.
I just came back from a trip to the south part of the country. The state of Michoacan and the city is Patzcuaro and famous for two main holidays in this county. People come to visit on Easter and Day of the Dead. The city is located near a large lake and volcanoes. Around the lake is small villages and each one is noted for a different craft. There are pyramids in one town by the name of Tzintzuntzan. Try and say that 10 times in a row. They are still working on the pyramid and finding more and more pieces as they dig. Transportation was on a local bus out to Tzintzuntzan from Patzcuraro and the driver was so happy you would have thought he had not seen an American in his life.
Saturday was the day villagers came from all over and was setting up their ware's. Pots as big as stove's and beautiful handcrafts. Some take months or more to make. They are truly amazing artisans
Sunday, October 30, 2011
San Miguel Mexico
Beautiful city with warm weather and lots of sun during the day.
I have been here for a couple of weeks now and love the people and the country. The food is beyond words and the colors also. Every where you look is beauty.
The life a simple life but seem to have all they need. Food is every where You can eat in the markets or on the streets all over the city
Music fills the air and they have so much fun just being in the park near the main church and singing and some time dancing.
There seems to be something going on all the time here. Every time you turn a corner is a surprise of some sort. The way of life is so very different from the USA. Very slow and the cost of living is so much less
This time of year there are special days that the people of this country have what is called the Day of the Dead. They gather in their homes and the cemetery on the 1st and 2nd of November and build alters in their homes and go to the cemetery and bring food and play music. The souls of their loved ones return for a night and they share the food brought by family and friends. There is music and items from their loved ones on the alter.
More later from Beautiful Mexico
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bangkok Thailand
My second time in this city. Big and busy. Lots of moto bikes and cars fill up the streets and any other flat surface. This City has some of the best doctor's in the world so I guess if some thing is broken this is the place to be.I have heard you can get a hip replaced for about 1/3 of the cost of having in done in the States.The river run's through part of the city and is used as part of the transportation system.The people are a mix of the old country ways and the modern. Some selling there wears as they did 100s of years ago and then you have the sky train going around over head of the city center. Quite a contrast.Lots to do and see here and to much to put into words so you will have to come for a visit and see for your self. I am sure you would enjoy time spent here. Cheers
Friday, May 6, 2011
Phuket Thailand
Now in the South of Thailand and on the island of Phuket. I am staying in the South of the island in an area called Karon Beach. There are beautiful beaches here and the water is very warm.Today the surf was up and no one was able to get into the water. I went to the neighboring town of Patong. This was made famous during the Viet Nam War by the US solders. That city sits on a horse shoe bay with a white sand beach. Yep there is a Starbucks on the water front. It is very hot during the middle of the day and you can walk to a lot of spots but can be a bit of a haul. There is no bus system so the only way to get around is by cab or what they call Tuk Tuk here. It is like a small truck with seats in the back. Today I heard from a Tuk Tuk driver that the cabs have kind of a Mafia going on. The Tuk Tuk guys can't pick you up from the airport and there are some kind of rule about them stopping for passengers along the road. But not sure how that works. I took a Tuk Tuk over and back to Patong and just hailed them on the road. Local politics who knows. Walking around some time can be risky.They have lots of motor bikes and seem to drive them not only on the roads but sidewalks,stores, and you name it. There is a four lane road near where I am staying and you would think you could walk on the shoulder of the road but nope.They park on the shoulder and even block one lane of the road.So you have to just walk in traffic Hope my insurance still works
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Ubud Indonesia
Lot's to do here and this is a famous city for local dance's. They have many different type's and I went to see the performance at the Place in the center of the city This city is on rolling hills and a bit of a climb to get around but you can ride a bike here so not to bad. They have a temple area here in an area called Monkey Farm Road and they have a ton of monkeys on the grounds and even on the street near by. Those guy's will seal everything you have if not careful. I had a water bottle with me and one jumped up to grab it. They also have massage here much like to Thailand but much gentler than Thai. I choose not to do one here but you can see from the photo it is very relaxing
Bali Indonesia
Bali to the land of dreams and tranquility. I have heard over the years about this part of Indonesia and have been interested in seeing what it is all about so here I am. I stayed in a town north of the airport called Seminayk and the next day attended a school festival on Saturday. The kids go to school six days a week and this was a special day. They are Hindu here and every six months they wash them selfs to cleans away sins. At the school there is music and offerings to the small temples within the school grounds.They as a family unit go to the ocean on Sunday during this period and wash in the ocean. I went to a town inland about 2 hour's by bus named Ubud and is so very different there. Beautiful terraced rice fields. So much work to grow rice They do every thing by hand from the planting to the harvest. They have lots of ceremonies One simple ceremony each day where they place a small container with various items. Flowers, fruit and some vegetables.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Leaving Vietnam behind and many good memories of the country and people I am off to Malaysia and arrive at 3 PM whoops there is an hour difference in time so really 4PM when I arrive so by the time I get my visa,bag and find out where to go it is getting dark. They have two airports there one for the less expensive airlines and the other for the primo lines. If you come in like I did you have to go by bus to the other terminal and then take the train into the city which is a long ways.They have a great train system and I was lucky and ran into a couple of lady's from Australia in Vietnam and they gave me a review and name of a place to stay in KL and was perfect. I could walk to and from the train station and what a city. You talk about shop till you drop this is the place to do it. I also ran into friends I met in Lao and was fun to be back with them and hang out. It is a couple from Seattle Mack and Chelsea and we kept running into each other in Lao and kept in touch and I hope we connect again in Thailand. Kuala Lumpur is a very big city but again using the trains is a great way to travel. Most of the folks are Muslim so you see the head vale on the ladies. You hear them call to prayer during the early morning and during the day The food is great and weather was good just a little rain on the last day but being from Oregon always have my trusty umbrella handy
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Can Tho City-Delta Region Vietnam Issue 2
This is one of the port city's along the delta and lots of materials transported along this water way. I spent 4 nights in this area which was enough to get a feel for life here. People are very poor and very hard workers. There life on the river is simple and lots of them living on working boats of all sorts. Food is good and one item on the menu is snake (cobra) which they keep in tanks at the restaurant. I asked about a small sample but they want me to order the dinner which did not contain a very big piece of snake. They say it has medical properties and will heal certain ailments Oh well maybe next time. Is there any doubt you are in a Communist country take a look at the flag with Ho.
Can Tho City-Delta Region Vietnam
To the south of Saigon is the delta and a different way of life on the water. The way of life for the people living on the shores of this water way will change in the very near future. The powers to be are moving all the folks living along the shore to living spaces off of the water way and it will be a big change for them. They want to clean up the river which is good but I feel sorry for the people and the change coming for them. I went to the floating market that is held each day of the week and it is like the wholesaler selling to the retailer. These boat come from all over loaded down with all sorts of things and they fly from a pole what wears they are selling. They are up very early in the AM to beat the heat and are done by 10AM I stayed with a local family for the night on the canal and did a bike tour of the area that day and the next morning went to the market on the river at 7AM. The family all live in one complex and the family is a unit. The grand mother was still with them and at 93 was still up and moving around. No one spoke English so was interesting to connect with them and understand each other sort of.
Life is speeding up for this country and big changes are on the way. You can see it in all parts of the country. Some of it will be good and others not. Going toward the Wester way of life.
Life is speeding up for this country and big changes are on the way. You can see it in all parts of the country. Some of it will be good and others not. Going toward the Wester way of life.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
HCMC Vietnam
Big city life with coffee places like Starbucks and about the same price. Mostly folks from out of the country going in there. Yep a church in a country that the people mainly believe in Buddhism. Today I went to the palace and viewed the bunker style basement they used during the war years. I also visited the War Remnants Museum which had lots of information from the Vietnam war that the USA was involved in.They are still recovering from the agent orange and other things we sprayed on the country side. Lots of USA war materials laying around in the Museum. The poor folks that just lived in the country side got the brunt of the effects of the war. It is a lot like folks in the country's around Vietnam. We just bombed and destroyed a lot of there country and killed there people. So sad.
A great country and the people are hard workers and are very kind and warm welcoming. I am glad I had the opportunity to visit,
A great country and the people are hard workers and are very kind and warm welcoming. I am glad I had the opportunity to visit,
Hue Vietnam
The capital of Vietnam years ago and now a city of close to a half a million people. Located on a river. Many battles were fought here during the Vietnam war with the USA. It has a huge Citadel in one part of the city where an emperor lived. It is a walled city with in a walled city.
There are also emperor tombs up and down the river. I was told today that 85% of the people in Vietnam have no religion. They do believe that there is a cycle of life that a person goes from human form to animal form because of sin of some sort and then to heaven. The type of animal depends on the types of sin you were involved in.So better keep an eye on that. After heaven the cycle starts all over again and back to human form
Can Tho Vietnam
I am in Can Tho. A city on the Delta south of HCMC about 5 hours by bus The delta region of this country is a very different way of life than say Ho Chi Mien City. HCMC has its paved streets, skyscraper buildings and expensive things to buy. It is a lot like New York in the way of life. But the delta is a different story. These folks still live on the water or very near and their life is around what the water can provide.They have a floating market every day of the week and I thought it was where the locals went to buy food for the family but no. It is the wholesaler that is selling to a middle person and then they in turn sell to the general public. If you look close off in the distance is a pineapple hanging from a pole. That is the way they advertise their product. They start very early in the morning and are about done for the day at 8AM because of the heat.It is in the 90's and up. I stayed with a family for the night on a canal and had dinner at their home and breakfast in the morning before going by boat to the market.Yep I had rice. It had been a while since I have had rice at least 30 min. or less. This city has large ships going up and down on the river. They dredge sand and use it in various ways.They also transport lots of people and materials back and forth.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Ho Chi Mien City Vietnam
What a town. I thought I was in New York City.
Huge buildings and very modern shops and expensive places in the central part of the city. Interesting contrasts between modern and the past. I see people on the streets selling fruit out of the baskets they carry on sticks and they are standing in front of a Sheraton Hotel that is ultra modern. They have a beautiful opera house near where I am staying and at night the city is lit up and has an energy of its own.
I wake up to the sounds of cars and chickens. They also are up very early selling something on the street. There is a fellow that goes around with a bike and a speaker letting all with in a mile or two that he is open for business selling who knows what at 5:30AM.
The people here just could not be any nicer and love to see me no matter where I am. They don't seem to have any bad feelings about me being from the states and the past.
Huge buildings and very modern shops and expensive places in the central part of the city. Interesting contrasts between modern and the past. I see people on the streets selling fruit out of the baskets they carry on sticks and they are standing in front of a Sheraton Hotel that is ultra modern. They have a beautiful opera house near where I am staying and at night the city is lit up and has an energy of its own.
I wake up to the sounds of cars and chickens. They also are up very early selling something on the street. There is a fellow that goes around with a bike and a speaker letting all with in a mile or two that he is open for business selling who knows what at 5:30AM.
The people here just could not be any nicer and love to see me no matter where I am. They don't seem to have any bad feelings about me being from the states and the past.
Danang Vietnam
This was the main base for the Vietnam war years. I heard that the US sent the US marines in to this area early in the Viet Nam war and they landed on China Beach fully dressed in battle gear only to be greeted by lady's with flowers
Now seems like a sleepy village but almost 500 thousand folks live here now and boy there is building going on big time here and to the south of the city. Huge hotels going in plus lots of Condo's.
A couple from the states has a project here to help the people that are deaf and have a restaurant that employee's the locals with hearing problems. I went there for my meals a couple of times and got to talk with the manager. They are moving to a new location and should be much better for them. What a great thing to do for the people. If they did not work here there is nothing for them to do and would become a burden on the family.They are teaching them to sign and also how to cook and bake. They also have housing for them.
Went to dinner at China Beach with friends and the place we had dinner at was a seafood restaurant. You figure out what you want to eat by going over to some plastic tubs filled with different seafood items and get to pick which one you want to eat. We are talking fresh.
That reminds me of a sign in Hoi An and the beer was pumped out of a keg by hand and they called it Fresh Beer.
Now seems like a sleepy village but almost 500 thousand folks live here now and boy there is building going on big time here and to the south of the city. Huge hotels going in plus lots of Condo's.
A couple from the states has a project here to help the people that are deaf and have a restaurant that employee's the locals with hearing problems. I went there for my meals a couple of times and got to talk with the manager. They are moving to a new location and should be much better for them. What a great thing to do for the people. If they did not work here there is nothing for them to do and would become a burden on the family.They are teaching them to sign and also how to cook and bake. They also have housing for them.
Went to dinner at China Beach with friends and the place we had dinner at was a seafood restaurant. You figure out what you want to eat by going over to some plastic tubs filled with different seafood items and get to pick which one you want to eat. We are talking fresh.
That reminds me of a sign in Hoi An and the beer was pumped out of a keg by hand and they called it Fresh Beer.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hoi An Vietnam
Beautiful city on the river. I am close to the South China Sea and some small boats here for local transportation on the river. I have been staying in the older part of the city and lots of history here. They have restored some of the original buildings and have a tour that the funds are used to preserve the history of the city.
I don't know who thought side walks were for walking they changed that here. I have to walk in the street every where and boy I am not sure what the hurry is about but these guys seem to be in a big hurry to get some where. They zoom around on everything built on wheels.
Warm and sunny now. I would guess in the 80's F some where. I am headed for Danang today at noon.
I don't know who thought side walks were for walking they changed that here. I have to walk in the street every where and boy I am not sure what the hurry is about but these guys seem to be in a big hurry to get some where. They zoom around on everything built on wheels.
Warm and sunny now. I would guess in the 80's F some where. I am headed for Danang today at noon.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Last days in Hanoi Vietnam
The weather reminds me of home. It is overcast and cool with rain at times and I must say after being in 95-98F weather in Cambodia a few days ago it feels pretty good.This is quite a city with the very old and the new modern city. I went to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and viewed the body of Ho. They take him to Russia every year and redo do him some how. I must say he looked really good.The locals I hear say he is on holiday when he is in Russia. They take your camera away and put it in a small bag and they keep it until you leave the complex so no photo's. You can use the camera at the house he lived in and the grounds.
The people here have been nice and the shoe shine guys I must say were getting to be a pest. Then they would see me every day and got tired of asking. I think they would shine your bare feet if you forgot your shoe's
On to the South of the country to Hue and new adventures.
The people here have been nice and the shoe shine guys I must say were getting to be a pest. Then they would see me every day and got tired of asking. I think they would shine your bare feet if you forgot your shoe's
On to the South of the country to Hue and new adventures.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hanoi Vietnam
My last day in Hanoi is tomorrow and I will be off to the South of the country on Wednesday at 3AM to a town by the name of Hue. I hope to find warmer weather and maybe Sun. The forcast is for around 70F Yea!!
I felt an earth quake last Thursday after noon and I guess it was close to Loa and the center was in Myanmar some where.
The people here are very nice to me and I had heard from other travelers they thought the folks here were a bit cold (not the weather) but I have not found that at all. Only one cab ride did they get me on so that is not to bad. I am not sure how he got the meter to go so fast. Must have been hooked to the wheel some how.Still not bad. I paid like $7 for a pretty long ride but got out early and I told him he was to expensive.
Friend's in Hanoi at the bus stop(in the photo) in the pottery market just out of Hanoi. Most of them are teacher's here and there students are from the States and here for 1 year. We had lunch and coffee out there.This spot is very near the river. Ton's of pottery. Beautiful
I felt an earth quake last Thursday after noon and I guess it was close to Loa and the center was in Myanmar some where.
The people here are very nice to me and I had heard from other travelers they thought the folks here were a bit cold (not the weather) but I have not found that at all. Only one cab ride did they get me on so that is not to bad. I am not sure how he got the meter to go so fast. Must have been hooked to the wheel some how.Still not bad. I paid like $7 for a pretty long ride but got out early and I told him he was to expensive.
Friend's in Hanoi at the bus stop(in the photo) in the pottery market just out of Hanoi. Most of them are teacher's here and there students are from the States and here for 1 year. We had lunch and coffee out there.This spot is very near the river. Ton's of pottery. Beautiful
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